Kenwood CK404 Cooker & Oven Seal
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Cooker & Oven Seal: 1 - 10 of 10
Kenwood CK404 Left Hand Main Oven Three Sided Door Seal
Genuine spare part
Also Know As, Door Rubber, Door Gasket 3 Sided Colour: Black Left-Hand Oven A faulty door seal on your oven door could impact negatively on your oven,... More information
Kenwood CK404 Main Oven Lower Door Strip Seal
Genuine spare part
Length 405 mm If you have noticed that heat is escaping from your oven, it could be due to a faulty door seal. It is important that your oven does... More information
Kenwood CK404 Right Hand Oven 3 Sided Door Seal
Genuine spare part
3 Sided Door Seal If you have noticed that heat is escaping from your oven, it could be due to a faulty door seal. It is important that your oven... More information
Kenwood CK404 Small Oven Lower Door Seal
Genuine spare part
If you have noticed that heat is escaping from your oven, it could be due to a faulty door seal. It is important that your oven does not feature a... More information
Kenwood CK404 Gasket
Genuine spare part
If you have noticed that heat is escaping from your oven, it could be due to a faulty door seal. It is important that your oven does not feature a... More information
Kenwood CK404 Main Oven Inner Glass Seal
Genuine spare part
Dimensions (HxW mm): 413 x 280 A faulty door seal on your oven door could impact negatively on your oven, and on your cooking. If you have a damaged... More information
Kenwood CK404 Small Oven Glass Seal
Genuine spare part
If you have noticed that heat is escaping from your oven, it could be due to a faulty door seal. It is important that your oven does not feature a... More information
Kenwood CK404 Gasket
Genuine spare part
If you have noticed that heat is escaping from your oven, it could be due to a faulty door seal. It is important that your oven does not feature a... More information